Robert Benedetti

Producer/Director - Writer - Teacher - Consultant









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The Long Italian Goodbye

published by Durban House also available at

click here for critical praise for The Long Italian Goodbye


The Italian neighborhood surrounding Oakley Avenue on Chicago's West Side in 1948 is a Tuscan village transplanted from northern Italy thirty years before. Joey is ten, an only child born of the Great Depression, weaned on the lustrous myths of the neighborhood's gangster past, and reveling in the cooking of his Tuscan grandmothers. This is, for Joey, that special year when boyhood ends, a year of extremes of joy and grief. He earns money by delivering coffee to the black workers in the neighborhood factory, and becomes aware for the first time of the place of black people in his world. During the traditional summer retreat of the neighborhood's mothers and children to a rural Michigan lakefront town, he experiences the first stirrings of romantic love, but also the numbing pain of the death of his best friend. He comes to doubt the very existence of God, and learns that life is not what he had imagined, that even the joy of a kiss will be forever tinged with mortality. He returns to the city a changed person, his faith shaken but his conscience awakened, and he takes his first small stand against injustice. As the year ends, his family moves away from the old neighborhood and Joey leaves behind its sights, sounds, smells, and people, especially his first love Benita, and a big piece of himself.


Actor at Work, The (10th Edition)

published by Allyn and Bacon also available at

The Actor at Work is the standard in its field, consistently providing students with a comprehensive yet simple look into the techniques and demands of acting. For more than thirty years, the highly acclaimed The Actor at Work has offered students a thorough look at the underlying principles of the acting process. Centered on the concept of action, The Actor at Work covers all the major skills of the actor, including voice, speech, movement, analysis and role-playing. Using many ideas from contemporary psychology and various physical and spiritual disciplines, this text helps students uncover and develop the actors within themselves, as it encourages self-discovery through participatory activities and exercises.


The Actor in You

published by Allyn and Bacon also available at

The Actor in You serves as an introduction to beginning acting by helping students realize that they already possess the basic skills of an actor.  This text enhances the student's appreciation of the art of acting by helping them realize that they already possess, in principle, the following skills: the ability to play a role, the ability to fulfill the sense of drama and to structure dramatic scenes, and the capacity to express emotion. Without losing its simplicity, directness, and enjoyable writing style, this revised and enlarged edition has benefited from helpful suggestions by teachers who have used it successfully in the classroom. Drawing exercises and examples from students' everyday lives and from well-known films and television programs, Benedetti succeeds in deducing dramatic principles from those experiences and then applying them to everyday life for artistic purpose. Still organized in sixteen steps meant to correspond to the weeks of a typical semester or school year, The Actor in You provides a direct, concise presentation and explanation of fundamentals for beginning students.



published by Allyn and Bacon also available at

In ACTION!, Peabody and multiple Emmy ® award-winning producer and leading teacher of acting Bob Benedetti offers a practical, detailed, and clearly structured approach to the fundamentals of acting for the camera.

By emphasizing the special demands on the actor made by the camera, ACTION! helps students understand how this venue differs from acting on stage. As with his other widely used texts, Benedetti provides students with numerous experiential exercises throughout to give them the means to put each concept to work. Written with a professional orientation, this text teaches students about the realities of making film and television shows today and provides a detailed approach to the creation of a film/TV role.


Creative Postproduction

published by Allyn and Bacon also available at

Creative Postproduction explains the creative aspects of film and video postproduction so as to enhance the understanding and appreciation of film and television. This text provides essential insight into the postproduction process for general film students; those headed for careers as directors, cinematographers, producers, or writers; and those who want to pursue a career in the area of postproduction itself. While focusing on the creative aspects, it discusses many technical considerations along the way and covers up-to-date technological developments. With clear language and a wealth of real-life experience, this text shows how creativity continues to the very end of the filmmaking process.


From Concept to Screen

published by Allyn and Bacon also available at

Written by an Emmy-award-winning producer and teacher, this book focuses on the underlying principles of film and television production, emphasizing the creative rather than the technical aspects. The book describes how a film is created — from conception to screen — and provides a comprehensive overview of the entire production process. Not intended as a “how-to” book, this text presents only a limited amount of detailed technical information. Instead, it emphasizes the underlying principles and processes of primarily four kinds of films: feature, independently financed, made-for-network-television, and made-for-cable movies.


Director at Work

published by Allyn and Bacon also available at

Presents the principles and strategies of stage direction. Strives to prepare the student to think like a director when confronting a situation, and thereby to fashion his/her approach to suit the demands of the material, cast, stage, and audience.


Seeming, Being, and Becoming: Acting in Our Century


Copyright ©2005-2012 Robert Benedetti Productions. All rights reserved.
Revised: 03/07/12